Strategies for Employee Recognition and Involvement

Course Code: EMP205
Category: People
Credential: Certificate of completion
Related Program(s):

Certified Excellence Professional
Certificate in Process Management

Fee: $249







Course Description

Strategies for Employee Recognition and Involvement is a course that teaches employees the value of employee involvement across the organization. Participants will learn how employee involvement is the first step towards successful employee engagement and case studies will showcase that recognition programs are key in helping employees feel valued and supported at work, and among their peers. The course will also introduce the concept of ‘Recognition Maturity Assessment’ to measure organizations’ current employee engagement efforts and explore why strategic recognition matters now more than ever.

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Course Performance

Participants enrolled in this course will receive background instruction on what employee engagement and recognition really is, and how to maximize its benefits. They will be taught to highlight how employee recognition fits into the total rewards equation for employees and organizations alike and will be able to better incorporate academic theory around employee motivation to help build better strategic recognition across the organization. Participants will walk away with an understanding that engaged employees are those who are fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and who will act in ways that further the organization’s interests.

Learning Outcomes

Participants enrolled in this course will learn to:

  • Strategize and drive employee engagement, recognition, and retention efforts, across departments and the organization.
  • Coach, manage, and mentor for employee success and increased involvement.
  • Build and justify business cases for strategic involvement and recognition. Including:
    – Higher Employee Engagement– Lower Turnover;
    – Stronger Culture;
  • Identify and link recognition and involvement with an overall organizational excellence strategy by building in the following best practices:
    – Being Meaningful;
    – Being Specific and Consistent;
    – Being Frequent;
    – Inclusivity: More Employee Involvement; 

Who Should Attend

  • All employees, managers and quality professionals responsible for increasing the effectiveness and engagement of their workgroup or organization.
  • Suitable for employees working in both the private and public sector.

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