Healthy Workplace®
The Healthy Workplace Standard provides a strategic framework for adaptation and harmonizes various practices into an aligned management system for pursuing organizational goals. This strategic approach helps build and sustain a culture of excellence.
Request a complimentary 30-minute consultation and receive a copy of the Healthy Workplace Standard
Une culture d’entreprise qui n’est pas le fruit du hasard, mais d’une volonté réelle
Créer un milieu de travail sain,
sécuritaire et favorable.
The context in which organizations operate is changing rapidly, and every organization must chart its own path to excellence to achieve outstanding results. The Healthy Workplace Standard provides a strategic framework for adaptation and harmonizes various practices into an aligned management system for pursuing organizational goals. This strategic approach helps build and sustain a culture of excellence.
As you progress towards a healthy workplace, our certification and awards program, the Canada Awards for Excellence, provides you with independent verification and valued recognition for your achievements.
Milieu de travail sain
Éléments d’un milieu de travail sain
La norme inclut quatre (4) éléments qui définissent ce qu’est un milieu de travail sain :
Physical Well-being
Attention to occupational health and safety in the physical environment
OH&S has been legislated in Canada for more than 100 years, aiming to reduce the risk of fatalities and workplace disabilities. This driver involves fully and continually addressing matters of occupational health and safety, including the possible impacts of new technologies, production changes, increasing demands on time, and cost containment measures.
Modes de vie sains
Soutien en faveur de styles de vie sains
Il s’agit ici d’aider les employés à acquérir et à maintenir des pratiques et des modes de vie sains, à éliminer les habitudes malsaines ou risquées et à faire une utilisation optimale du système des soins de la santé.
Psychological Well-Being
A workplace culture that supports mental health
OH&S has been legislated in Culture is created, reinforced and sustained by ongoing patterns of relationships and communications that are known to have an important influence on psychological health and safety. This driver involves an organizational culture that reflects values that support mental health, such as trust, fairness, respect, diversity, inclusion and teamwork.
Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise
Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise (RSE)
L’interrelation entre la communauté, le milieu de travail et l’employé est reconnue comme ayant une incidence sur la santé et le mieux-être des employés, ainsi que sur la santé et le rendement de l’organisation. Les activités liées à la RSE sont souvent perçues comme volontaires, et vont au-delà de ce qui est légiféré ou requis. Ce moteur inclut la façon dont ces activités menées par l’organisation traitent des aspects du milieu de travail comme la santé et la sécurité au travail, les droits de la personne, le développement communautaire, la protection de l’environnement et les interventions d’urgence.
Récipiendaire des Prix Canada pour l’excellence
Université Carleton
4 Levels of Progressive Certification
Independent validation and national recognition through the Canada Awards for Excellence, the country’s most coveted organizational awards program.
Healthy Workplace Essentials
Healthy Workplace - Gold
- There is organization-wide implementation of the strategic focus on a healthy workplace through the understanding and application of the Healthy Workplace Standard.
- A sound, structured approach to a healthy workplace is in place.
The key outcomes of Gold level are:
- Positive achievements in meeting and exceeding strategic healthy workplace goals.
- An organization-wide focus on healthy workplace and employee well-being.
- Positive results for a healthy workplace are being achieved across all drivers, and across all areas/departments of the organization.
- Quantifiable improvements in being a healthy workplace as a result of moving from reactive to proactive and preventive approaches and practices.
Healthy Workplace - Platinum
- The organization has achieved excellent results and positive trends from its efforts for overall improvement in a healthy workplace.
- The organization can clearly identify sustained improvements aligned to specific healthy workplace objectives and goals.
The key outcomes of the Platinum level are:
- Sound systemic approach to a healthy workplace.
- Continuous improvement is a “way of life” with full integration of a healthy workplace into culture and systems.
- Sustained positive improvements in all related areas (trend data required).
- The organization is viewed as a healthy workplace leader in terms of knowledge sharing, industry and benchmark leadership, and best practices.
Canada Order of Excellence
Achieving Excellence Canada’s Canada Order of Excellence means that the organization has sustained healthy workplace progress at the Platinum level over several years, plus established best practices benchmarked against world-class organizations. The organization is a recognized leader in all aspects of wellness. Successful organizations will receive a Canada Awards for Excellence at the Canada Order of Excellence level.
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