A framework for achieving a
Psychologically Healthy and Safe Workplace

Mental Health at Work

Our framework aligns with the requirements of the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. It ensures success through a focus on policies, practices and programs to achieve measurable results and create a healthier and more productive workplace.

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A Strategic Roadmap Towards Improved Mental Health

The Mental Health at Work Framework serves as a detailed roadmap for organizations in any sector that wish to encourage, support and implement exemplary mental-health related programs in the workplace. The framework aligns with the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.

Reduce organizational costs, improve output, and increase profitability as you move from traditional health promotion programs toward a focus on psychological health and safety.

Canada Awards for Excellence Recipient Video

Bell Canada’s Commitment to Mental Health in the Workplace

4 Levels of Progressive Certification

Independent validation and national recognition through the Canada Awards for Excellence, the country’s most coveted organizational awards program.

Certification consists of four levels and is designed for organizations that want to establish a culture of continual improvement, build improvement plans, and measure how they are progressing at each stage of their journey.
Mental Health at Work Essentials
The Mental Health at Work Essentials program is an optional basic level depending on the readiness of the organization. It ensures that the foundational pieces are in place before progressing to the Mental Health at Work Gold level. An Excellence Canada Coach can assist organizations in determining if they are ready to embark at the Gold level.

Mental Health at Work Essentials demonstrates:

  • The organization is in the initial stages of implementing a long-term strategic focus on PH&S that promotes good principles and practices.
  • The organization has a commitment to continual improvement, assessment, and evaluation.
  • A solid methodology is in place across the organization based on the MH@W Essentials and has been implemented in key areas.
  • The organization is in transition from a focus on “reacting” to issues to a more preventative approach.
  • Positive results are being achieved from improvement efforts in some areas.

The key outcomes of the Bronze level are:

  • Broad team support of the vision, mission, and values.
  • Recognition of the importance of embedding PH&S principles in decision making at all levels of the organization.
  • Policy statements related to PH&S.
  • A wide understanding by employees of the organization’s strategic approach to mental health.
  • Broad participation by employees in achieving the organization’s mental health goals.
  • Strategic and operational plans are being developed.
  • Establishment of baseline indicators, measures and related goals for mental health.
Mental Health at Work – Gold Level
The Gold Level builds on the solid implementation of psychological health and safety established in the Mental Health at Work Essentials program. (The Essentials program is an optional basic level depending on the readiness of the organization)

  • There is organization-wide implementation of the strategic focus on mental health through the understanding and application of the MH@W program.
  • A sound, structured approach to a psychologically healthy and safe workplace is in place.

The key outcomes of the Gold level are:

  • Positive achievements in meeting and exceeding strategic MH@W goals.
  • An organization-wide focus on mental health and employee well-being opportunities.
  • Positive results are being achieved across all drivers, and across all areas/departments of the organization.
  • Quantifiable improvements in being a psychologically healthy and safe workplace as a result of moving from reactive to proactive and preventive approaches and practices.
Mental Health at Work - Platinum
The Platinum Level builds on the achievements and outcomes from the previous level with a focus on establishing sustainable practices.

  • The organization has achieved excellent results and positive trends from its efforts for overall improvement in mental health.
  • The organization can clearly identify sustained improvements aligned to specific mental health objectives and goals.

The key outcomes of the Platinum Level are:

  • Sound systemic approach to a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.
  • Continuous improvement is a “way of life” with full integration of mental health into culture and systems.
  • Sustained results in all related areas (trend data required).
  • The organization is viewed as a leader in terms of knowledge sharing, industry and benchmark leadership, and best practices related to mental health in the workplace.
Canada Order of Excellence (COE)
Achieving Excellence Canada’s COE means that the organization has sustained progress in MH@W at the Platinum level, plus established best practices benchmarked against world-class organizations. The organization is able to demonstrate the impact of its mental health focus over several years and is a recognized leader in mental health. Successful organizations will receive a Canada Awards for Excellence at the Canada Order of Excellence level.

What Our Clients are Saying…

Le programme Santé mentale au travailMD d’Excellence Canada a permis de valider considérablement le plan de mieux-être de la Commission et nos efforts de mise en œuvre de la norme. Le fait d’harmoniser par la suite le programme à la Norme nationale du Canada sur la santé et la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail et au processus d’évaluation d’Excellence Canada aidera les organisations à s’assurer que leurs actions, leurs programmes et leurs politiques sont conformes à la norme. On peut véritablement affirmer que les organisations reconnues au niveau national par l’entremise des Prix Canada pour l’excellence sont des chefs de file de l’industrie en ce qui concerne l’établissement de cultures positives sur le plan de la santé des employés et de l’organisation; la Commission est fière d’en faire partie. »

Louise Bradley, présidente-directrice générale, Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM)

« Saint Elizabeth a connu une croissance et une innovation sociale hors du commun en raison des idées, de la passion et de l’engagement de son personnel. Le programme de santé mentale et de mieux-être d’Excellence Canada cadre extrêmement bien avec nos efforts visant à continuellement habiliter, soutenir et reconnaître notre personnel. »

Shirlee Sharkey, présidente-directrice générale, Saint Elizabeth Health Care

« Je suis heureux de signaler que cette commission a, au cours des deux dernières années, permis de réaliser d’énormes avancées dans une région où elle ne progressait guère. Je veux dire, dans le domaine de la santé mentale. Ils ont non seulement reconnu les problèmes qui sont occasionnés par la maladie, mais ils ont également décidé d’investir de l’argent dans cette problématique lorsque c’était nécessaire. De notre point de vue, c’est merveilleux à plusieurs égards, parce que cela signifie moins de souffrances pour les personnes atteintes de problèmes de santé mentale. Ce qui signifie que nos membres peuvent maintenant obtenir l’aide qu’ils méritent tant. »

Sergio Cacoilo, président du syndicat local, OECTA – Conseil scolaire catholique du district de Hamilton Wentworth

« Au Toronto East General Hospital, nous avons entrepris une démarche pour acquérir et maintenir une culture de la qualité, du mieux-être et de l’amélioration continue. Notre hôpital croit que la qualité jumelée à un milieu de travail sain est vitale à la réussite de l’organisation et pour en faire le meilleur endroit où donner et recevoir des soins. Le Toronto East General Hospital met l’accent sur un milieu de travail sain sur les plans physique et mental afin de soutenir l’équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée. La mise en œuvre du programme Santé mentale au travail est une composante essentielle de notre stratégie et démontre notre engagement envers un environnement sain. »

Wolf Klassen, vice-président, Soutien des programmes, Toronto East General Hospital

Meet Some of Our Clients

Comment nous vous aidons

Working with your team and drawing from our experience, we create the best possible outcomes for our clients. Includes training, coaching and consulting.


Excellence Canada certification provides independent validation of progress on your journey to excellence and national recognition.


Receive many benefits such as the opportunity to participate on on-site verification visits, network with other partners, access to best practices, and discounts on services and training, to name a few.
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Your journey to excellence begins here. For support and service call (416) 251.7600 ext. 233 or email [email protected]

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