Prix Canada pour l’excellence

Profil du récipiendaire

Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver

Récipiendaire – Platine 2019
Excellence, Innovation et Mieux-être

The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) is an association representing more than 14,000 REALTORS® and their companies. REBGV provides a variety of member services, including the Multiple Listing Service®. Ten local real estate brokers founded the association in 1919 to provide those engaged in real estate with the tools, information and services necessary to serve the home buying and selling needs of Greater Vancouver’s residents.

In 1996, the association embarked on a journey of continuous improvement with the National Quality Institute, which later rebranded to Excellence Canada. Talk with anyone who works at REBGV and they’ll tell you that their relationship with Excellence Canada makes them better. REBGV’s methodology for improvement includes implementing Excellence Canada’s Standards in their daily work. They systematically identify fail points throughout the organization, create efficiencies and continuously improve their business processes, culture, and, above all, service to their members.

Real Estate

Vancouver, BC

92 employés

Staff celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver in 2019.

“Our relationship with Excellence Canada makes us better. No matter what new priorities or challenges confront us, our excellence program keeps us focused on improving all areas of our organization in pursuit of achieving our goals and ensuring strong organizational performance.”

Brad Scott, Chef de la direction Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver

Prix précédemment décernés

Excellence, Innovation et Mieux-être – Or, 2016

Qualité – Ordre de l’excellence, 2013 & 2010; Or, 2007; Argent, 2005

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