Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month 2021 – Feel Great at Work!
TORONTO, Sept. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The 21st Annual Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month® (CHWM) is a four-week celebration designed to introduce workplace health to organizations and support those that are already promoting healthy workplaces. The theme for...
Excellence Pays off on the Stock Market Long Term – 2021
Dr. Adam Stoehr, Vice President, Education and Research, Excellence Canada, Toronto, Canada Published August 26, 2021 Abstract Excellence Canada tracks the stock performance for all of the Canada Awards for Excellence (CAE) recipients who are traded on a stock market....
Goodbye Old Normal, Hello New…Renaissance!
Excellence Canada would like to thank our facilitators, Marv Franz, Raechel Pefanis and Jim Hurlburt for facilitating the Thought Leaders’ Round Table and for preparing this executive summary of the discussion Released: August 27th, 2021 Senior leaders with Excellence...