Achieve excellence on your schedule with our flexible Individual Training programs! Register at your convenience, dive into engaging course materials, and complete them at your own pace. Upon completion, proudly earn your certificate to showcase your new skills and expertise. Empower your growth, on your time—start your journey to success today!
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act- AODA Compliance

This online compliance training covers the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) and AODA, workplace accessibility standards, customer service best practices, and practical skills to support individuals with disabilities.
Diversity, Sensitivity and Inclusion Training

This comprehensive and sensitive training program equips individuals to understand what true diversity, equity, and inclusion mean and how to transform their knowledge into actionable and impactful change.
Best Practices in Process Management

Process Management Impact Assignment is an independent project where you will apply the tools acquired throughout the online modules to make an real improvement impact in your organization.
Building Strategic Relationships with Partners and Suppliers

This course helps participants build effective collaborations. It focuses on stakeholder relationships, showing how they impact and are influenced by an organization’s actions and goals.
Conducting Organizational Assessments

Organizational Excellence Assessment is a methodology to assess how an organization’s (or department’s) management systems compare against any Excellence Canada Standard.
Current State Process Mapping

Current State Process Mapping teaches employees to map existing processes, creating a clear ‘as-is’ picture to improve efficiency and outcomes for all.
Desired and Future State
Process Mapping

This course guides employees in visually mapping workflows to drive improvements in productivity, elevate customer satisfaction, and enhance overall employee satisfaction.
Displaying Data and
Decision Making

This course focuses on process improvement tools, enabling participants to better understand workflows, easily identify gaps, and prioritize critical improvements for faster results.
Employee Happiness
– Maximizing Engagement, Satisfaction & Morale

This course explores how happiness, engagement, and morale impact success, offering strategies to enhance retention, productivity, creativity, revenue, and customer satisfaction
Excellence Essentials

Excellence is a key discipline for any organization, but knowing where to begin can be challenging. Excellence Essentials provides a clear starting point, helping employees grasp the fundamentals and unlock its benefits.
How to Deliver an Effective Presentation

Sometimes great data, news, or updates go unnoticed. This session provides simple structure and delivery techniques based on brain research to effectively convey your message and engage your audience.
Improving the Customer Experience

Improving the Customer Experience is a half-day workshop that teaches participants the basic foundations and tenets of how to measure the customer experience and plan for success.
Introduction to Process Improvement

This course focuses on moving from reaction-based to prevention-focused management, providing best practices for achieving long-term success through strategic process improvements.
Leading Change Management

Change leadership guides organizations through transitions to a future state, focusing on supporting individuals to adopt change and achieve success.

This interactive workshop guides you step-by-step to create a meaningful LifePlan™ by analyzing all areas of your life and crafting an action plan for your top 10 “F-Words”—none of which are four-letter words!
Measuring Key Processes and the Customer Experience

This course is designed to help participants determine the appropriate frequency of measurement and outline the most common ways to collect process improvement data.
Managing Addiction (3-Part Series)

This seminar explores various addictions beyond drugs and alcohol, highlighting their impact on individuals and those around them. Participants will learn how to recognize and address addictions in themselves or others.
Managing Depression (4-Part Series)

This in-depth seminar series provides you with a foundational understanding of the many facets of depression to better manage it in yourself or to support others.
Managing Anxiety (3-Part Series)

This three-part series provides the tools to deal with anxiety so you can manage it effectively and learn to incorporate its valuable messages to inform and improve your approach to life and work.
PTSD (5-Part Series)