Terms & Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply to the Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses.
Please read them carefully.
By participating in the Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses, you are agreeing to abide by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions may change from time to time without prior notice and at Excellence Canada’s sole discretion. It is the the participant’s responsibility to regularly check these Terms and Conditions to determine if there have been changes made and to review such changes. If any change made is material to any entry or aubmission, Excellence Canada may, but is under no obligation to, contact the representative named “primary contact” in the submission to inform the entrant of the change.
- Deadline to Apply: April 25 2025
- Applicant notified if their application is successful: May 2025
- Awards Celebration: September 2025 (specific date TBA)
To be considered for the Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses, applicant must be:
- a Canadian owned and controlled private business operating in Canada;
- in business for at least two years
The following must be true in order for the applicant to be eligible for an Award:
- applicant must conduct a free online employee Awards survey administred by Excellence Canada with the prescribed response rate
- applicant must be in compliance with applicable occupational health, safety and environmental legislation, and have received all necessary regulatory approvals;
- applicant must be financially viable and must provide additional information on their financial situation if requested to do so and;
- applicant must not sell or distribute any products or services nor perform any actions which are recognized as bring detrimental to the health of people
- When being assessed for recognition, the burden of proof is on the organization to provide evidence of its achievements from documentary sources.
- Excellence Canada reserves the right to use non-sensitive information from submissions for publication in Canada and abroad on an anonymous basis. Such publications may take the form of photographic or video materials. educational case studies, training, display materials, and written descriptions
- Applicant must agree to respond in a timely manner to additional information requests from Excellence Canada, if any, directly relevant to this awards program as part of a due diligence process.
To be considered for Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses, applicants must complete and submit the official awards application and application fee by April 25 2025. The submission must include the 2 of the following required supporting documentation:
- a summary of results of a customer survey conducted within the past year
- a summary of results of an employee survey conducted within the past year
- summary of the organization’s strategic plan
All applications will be treated on a confidential basis. Submissions and any attachments will become the property of Excellence Canada and will not be returned.
All award recipients must agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of the Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses logo usage rules.
The decisions by the adjudication Commitee and Excellence Canada with respect to all aspects of the Canadian Business Excellence Awards to Private Businesses are final. All submissions are subject to verification for accuracy. Any submission that is false, misleading, late or in violation of these general Terms & Conditions is void. Excellence Canada reserves the right to revoke the Award, at which time the patricipant must immediately cease to use the Aware and its logo for any purpose.
- Award recipients should plan for senior leaders and their teams to attend the awards presentation celebrations (venue to be determined)
- Recipients may be asked to participate in interviews or case studies about their success, for publication
- Recipients are expected to assist in reinforcing and promoting the Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses program in Canada.
9. Contact Information
Questions and inquiries regarding these Terms & Conditions and the Canadian Business Excellence Awards for Private Businesses can be sent to awards@excellence.ca