At Excellence Canada, certification is our unique approach to national recognition. We invite you to validate your commitment to organizational excellence using our best-in-class standards. Join the growing list of certified organizations, and Canada Awards for Excellence recipients.
Why Certify?
Excellence Canada Certification provides independent validation of progress on your journey to excellence and national recognition.
Certification helps organizations develop strategic initiatives, innovative ideas and solutions, engage and retain customers and employees, and improve the physical and mental health and safety of their employees.
Our unique four level progressive certification program enables your organization to receive national recognition through the Canada Awards for Excellence, the country’s most coveted organizational awards program. Since 2006, the Governor General of Canada has been the Patron of the Canada Awards for Excellence.
Highlights of Certification include:
A roadmap for continual improvement.
A strategic and holistic framework that ensures your organization achieves the best possible outcomes across all organizational drivers.
A common language for embedding excellence principles and processes in decision making at all levels.
A foundation for improvements and sustainable results.
Certify to the Standard That’s Right for You
Excellence Canada offers three globally competitive standards to achieve organizational excellence. Each standard has four levels of certification (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum), comprised of requirements that facilitate progressive implementation.
Choose the standard that best meets your needs.
If you are interested in building a culture of continual improvement across all areas of your organization, then we recommend you take a closer look at our Organizational Excellence Standard.
If you are interested in transforming your workplace into an engaged and healthy environment, then we recommend you take a closer look at our Healthy Workplace® Standard.
If you are interested in supporting your employees’ mental health, then we recommend you take a closer look at our Mental Health at Work Framework.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Excellence Canada Certification?
At Excellence Canada, our mission is to help improve organizational performance and recognize excellence. Since our inception, our Standards of Excellence have helped thousands of organizations in Canada, across many industries and sectors, to implement continual quality improvement systems and employee wellness strategies.
We offer three globally benchmarked standards for organizations to achieve excellence and receive certification: Organizational Excellence Standard , Healthy Workplace®, and Mental Health at Work.
Each standard has four levels of certification (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and, Platinum), comprised of requirements that facilitate progressive implementation. Each level requires:
- Demonstration of a progressively deeper and broader commitment to excellence
- Involves meeting and exceeding requirements
- Demonstration of continuous improvement
- Measurement of progress
- Verification by a team from Excellence Canada
Certified organizations qualify for the Canada Awards for Excellence, our country’s most coveted organizational recognition program. Since 2006, the Governor General of Canada has been the Patron of the Canada Awards for Excellence.
Which certification program is right for me?
Organizational Excellence Standard
If you are interested in building a culture of continual improvement across all areas of your organization, then we recommend you take a look at the Organizational Excellence Standard. This program is an integrated quality-based management system, based on a holistic strategic framework that ensures organizations achieve the best possible outcomes across all business drivers, including Leadership, Planning, Customers, Our People, Processes, and Partners. Learn More
Healthy Workplace® Standard
If you are interested in transforming your workplace into an engaged and healthy environment, we recommend you take a closer look at our Healthy Workplace® Standard. This program will move you from a traditional health program towards a comprehensive, holistic and healthy workplace system with improved measurable outcomes. Learn More
Mental Health at Work Framework
If you are interested in supporting your employee’s mental health, we recommend you take a closer look at our Mental Health at Work Framework. This program will help you create a strong and supportive work environment that promotes the well-being of employees and creates a psychologically healthy and safe workplace as detailed in the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. Learn More
My organization is interested in certification through Excellence Canada. How do we get started?
For more information, contact Bonita at 1-800-263-9648 x233 or bonita@excellence.ca.
What are the benefits of Certification to my organization?
Certification helps organizations develop strategic initiatives, innovative ideas and solutions, as well as engage and retain customers and employees, and improve the physical and mental health and safety of employees. Certified organizations also qualify to receive the Canada Awards for Excellence, our country’s most coveted organizational awards program.
Additional benefits:
- Facilitates consensus on what needs to be done and establishes a foundation for improvements and sustainable results.
- Integrates various improvement initiatives and provides a roadmap for continual improvement.
- Improves communication and provides a common language for embedding excellence principles and processes in decision making at all levels.
What are the costs of certification through Excellence Canada?
Do we have to be an Excellence Canada Partner to apply for certification?
While it is not mandatory, Excellence Canada partners receive many benefits such as the opportunity to participate on on-site verification visits, network with other partners, access to best practices, and discounts on services and training, to name a few.
What is the certification process?
How long is Excellence Canada certification valid for?
My organization is considering certification through Excellence Canada, but we have some additional questions. Who can we contact to obtain more information?
Excellence Canada would be more than happy to address any questions your organization may have about our certification program. Please complete the contact form and a member of our team will be in touch with you.
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