COVID Care Kit (3 month package)

Course Code: WR867
Category: People
Credential: Certificate of completion
Related Program(s): N/A
Fee: $29.97*
Bulk Rates:
* Are available. To take advantage of bulk rates or receive a quote email [email protected]
Course Description
COVID is harshly impacting every aspect of our lives: mental health, relationships, physical wellness and family. We’ve put together an amazing 12 course package of courses to help you through these next few months. You will have access to all the course modules for the next 3 months. The time needed to complete all 12 modules is approximately 11 hours and 48 minutes.
This package includes
- Stress Resiliency Workshop
- Stress Management and Mindfulness at Work
- Stress Management (3-Part Series)
- Eating for Life (4-Part Series)
- Food for Mood
- Managing Addictions (3-Part Series)
- Managing Depression (4-Part Series)
- Managing Anxiety (3-Part Series)
- Losing Sleep? Here’s how to get those zzz’s
- Dealing with Difficult People (3-Part Series)
- Parenting: Things Your Parents Never Taught You (3-Part Series)
- Relationship Roadblocks and How to Repair Them (2-Part Series)
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Curriculum Description
1. Stress Resiliency Workshop

We know we are stressed when our bodies and emotions send us danger signals. In this course you will learn to identify the symptoms so you can focus on addressing the root causes of your stress before you become ill.
- Headache
- Fatigue & trouble sleeping
- Back, shoulder, neck pain
- Anxiety & depression
- Digestive trouble
- Irritability and mood swings
- Dizziness and light headedness
Presenter: Dr. Dwight Chapin & Dr. Bronwyn Hill
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 30 Minutes
2. Stress Management & Mindfulness at Work

In this informative, inspiring and practical course, psychologist Dr. Chayim Newman will teach you the key principles of Mindfulness and Stress Management as well as strategies for integrating them into your workplace and personal life.
In this course you will:
● Understand stress and its impact on you and others in the workplace
● Use mindfulness to noticeably reduce stress in your everyday work life
● Learn specific skills and strategies to manage stressful situations
● Experience a mindfulness meditation, guided by Dr. Chayim Newman
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
3. Stress Management (3-Part Series)

Reactions to stress account for 80% of doctor visits. Stress reactions are created by both external factors, such as conflict, financial difficulties and caregiving, as well as from internal factors such as how we perceive challenges, problem solving abilities and emotional resilience. When stress is not addressed, it can lead to sickness, mental illness and a hampered ability to function successfully. In this 3 part series you will learn how to identify and reduce stress in your life.
Series includes:
- Part 1: Understand Stress
- Part 2: Techniques And Tools
- Part 3: How Changing My Behavior Will Reduce My Stress
Presenter: Ivana Jackson B.A., M.A., M.S.W., C.S.W.
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour 20 Minutes
4. Eating For Life (4-Part Series)

This 4-part series by leading dietician Shauna Lindzon will help you understand and manage your relationship with food to be the healthiest person you can be.
- Part 1: Why Diets Don’t Work
- Part 2: Healthy Food Choices
- Part 3: Stock Your Pantry For Health
- Part 4: Boost Your Energy
Presenter: Shauna Lindzon, RD
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour
5. Food For Mood

“You are what you eat.” Research supports this old saying, demonstrating that the food we consume has a direct relationship not only on our physical health but our mental health as well.
In this seminar you will:
- Learn how your mood is affected by what you eat
- Learn how anxiety and depression are linked to what you eat
- Learn what food habits can help alleviate anxiety and depression
Presenter: Shauna Lindzon RD
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 15 Minutes
6. Managing Addictions (3-Part Series)

Part 1: Understanding Addiction
While most people immediately think of addictions to drugs or alcohol, there are many other types of harmful addictions we often don’t think about. When left untreated, addictions not only lead to problems for the addict, but to the addict’s friends, family and coworkers.
In this seminar you will:
- Learn what constitutes an addiction
- Learn about the different types of addictions one can develop
- Understand how to spot an addiction in yourself or in another
Presenter: Sandra Lax, RSW, MSW
Part 2 – Impact Of Addiction + Getting Help
So you think your coworker, friend or family member might have an addiction? Or you might be courageous enough to recognize you have an addiction. Whatever the case, confronting an addict is a very delicate task and must be managed with careful consideration.
In this seminar you will:
- Learn more about how addiction affects those working with or having relationships with individuals with addictions
- Learn how to approach or address issues of addiction in the workplace
- Understand foundational principles and steps to overcoming addictions
Presenter: Sandra Lax, RSW, MSW
Part 3 – Responding To A Co-worker With A Drinking Problem (Video)
What do you do if you notice your coworker is drinking or taking drugs at the office? Do you confront them? Ignore it? In this short seminar you’ll see some of the common indicators of a drinking problem in a coworker and receive some guidance on how to manage it.
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour
7. Managing Depression (4-Part Series)

Feeling “blue” or sad is a normal response to life’s challenges and disappointments. Depression is not the same as normal sadness because it overwhelms a person’s ability to function in everyday life. Unrelenting feelings of hopelessness and helplessness make even the simplest things, like getting up in the morning, difficult.
This in-depth seminar series provides you with a foundational understanding of the many facets of depression to better manage it in yourself or to support others.
This 4-part series includes the following:
- Part 1: Understanding Depression
- Part 2: Managing Depression
- Part 3: Tips And Strategies For Managing The Blues
- Part 4: How To Support Someone Suffering From Depression
Bonus: Food And Mood
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 2 Hours
8. Managing Anxiety (3-Part Series)

Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety when faced with overwhelming situations. Anxiety becomes a problem, however, when it interferes with our ability to function in our daily lives or intrudes on our sense of self as a competent person who can cope well enough.
When people encounter anxiety that interferes with their enjoyment of and engagement in daily activities, they often don’t realize what is happening. Some people imagine they are having a heart attack and others feel frozen in a way that causes them to lose perspective and the ability to problem solve.
While anxiety exists on a continuum, it operates as a warning bell to alert us that something is wrong, and we need to pay attention in order to find resolution. Because anxiety is so uncomfortable, most people just want to rid themselves of it as soon as possible but it is actually a source of wisdom if it can be understood properly without spiralling out of control.
This three-part series provides the tools to deal with anxiety so you can manage it effectively and learn to incorporate its valuable messages to inform and improve your approach to life and work.
In this 3-part series by Dr. Stephanie Bot, you will learn:
· Part 1: Understanding Anxiety
· Part 2: Managing My Anxiety
· Part 3: Helping Others Who Have Anxiety
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour 10 Minutes
9. Losing Sleep? Here’s how to get those zzzz’s

A good night’s sleep leaves us feeling refreshed, energized and more resilient. There are many things that interfere with optimal sleep including anxiety, health issues, noise and diet to name just a few. Without adequate sleep normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional functioning becomes challenging.
In this course you will:
- Understand the dangers of not getting enough sleep
- Become aware of symptoms that may constitute a sleep disorder
- Learn about the causes of insomnia and strategies to help you sleep better
Presenter: Tyler Davis, developed by Dr. Stephanie Bot, C. Psych., Psychoanalyst
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 21 Minutes
10. Dealing With Difficult People (3-Part Series)

We all encounter difficult people at some point in our professional lives. Dealing with them effectively means not only learning to manage our own reactions and communication style, but also being able to identify and understand what’s really going on with that difficult person in the workplace.
In this informative and comprehensive 3-course series, you will be guided through the three steps you need to follow in order to effectively deal with difficult people:
● Part 1: Understanding The Difficult Person
● Part 2: Managing The Difficult Person
● Part 3: Managing Your Reactions to The Difficult Person
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour and 45 Minutes
11. Parenting: Things Your Parents Never Taught You (3-Part Series)

Parenting effectively is one of life’s greatest challenges. Parents can turn to others for advice but often parenting is trial by fire. In this refreshing and insightful course you will learn:
- Part 1: Things Your Parents Never Taught You
- Part 2: Principles For Effective Parenting
- Part 3: Balanced Parenting Skills, Strategies And Techniques
Presenters: Dr. Stephanie Bot, C. Psych. Psychoanalyst
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the courses in this learning plan from the first day of access to the first course.
Duration: Is Not Set
12. Relationship Roadblocks and How to Repair Them (2-Part Series)

Relationships can become unbalanced when one person over functions and the other under functions. This can create resentment, negativity and disconnection. This seminar encourages individuals to reflect on their own relationship styles and discover what they can do differently to overcome relationship challenges.
- Understand why you and others over and under function
- Learn strategies to create healthier relationship dynamics
- Develop better communication styles and interactions
Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Bot C. Psych., Psychoanalyst
Access Period:
You have 90 days of unlimited access to the course. The access period starts when you click the green “Start Learning Now” button for the first time.
Duration: 1 Hour and 12 Minutes