Best Practices in Process Management

Course Code: BP210
Category: Processes
Credential: Certificate of completion
Related Program(s):

Certificate in Process Management

Fee: $395




Note: This course is only available to candidates enrolled in the Certificate in Process Management program.

Course Description

Process Management Impact Assignment is an independent project where you will apply the tools acquired throughout the online modules to make an real improvement impact in your organization.

In this exercise, you will demonstrate how six tools (of your choosing) were effective in improving your own processes. For each tool, show how you used it, what you learned from it, and how it improved the process.

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Course Performance

Candidates submit their “Process Impact Assignment” with the Training Instructor. The emphasis of the assignment is on the application of process management tools and skills. Success is measured by whether efforts resulted in significant positive impact on the process itself. The assignment is graded on a “Pass/Fail” basis. Examples of successful assignments will be made available to candidates for guidance.

Learning Outcomes

Participants enrolled in this course will learn to:

  • Utilize best practices and principles associated with process management.
  • Recognize and utilize methodologies for process improvement.
  • Understand and create ‘Process Impact Assignment’ presentations.
  • Implement strategies and plans for process improvement.
  • Compare different process management methodologies from a variety of organizations.
  • Conduct process improvement post-mortems and lessons learned.

Who Should Attend

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