Excellence Canada Collaborates with Two Leading Experts to Improve Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing
Excellence Canada is collaborating with Merv Gilbert, Director of Vancouver Psych Safety Consulting, and Graham Lowe, President of the Graham Lowe Group– two of Canada’s leading experts on healthy workplaces
Excellence Canada Launches New Leadership Development Program for Employees at All Levels
EC announces its new leadership development program, Certificate in Leadership Excellence.
Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month 2022 – Together For A Better Workplace
The 22nd Annual Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month® (CHWM) is a four-week celebration designed to introduce workplace health to organizations and support those that are already promoting healthy workplaces.
How to keep workers happy after 2 years of COVID
Over the last two years, HR leaders have struggled to keep staff spirits up
Excellence Canada Unveils the Future of Work with Its Updated Standards of Excellence
Excellence Canada Unveils Its Updated Standards of Excellence
Excellence Canada announces the 2021 Canada Awards for Excellence Recipients
Celebrating the 37th anniversary of the Canada Awards for Excellence
Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month 2021 – Feel Great at Work!
The 21st Annual Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month® (CHWM) is a four-week celebration designed to introduce workplace health to organizations and support those that are already promoting healthy workplaces.
Excellence Pays off on the Stock Market Long Term – 2021
Excellence Pays off! – To see if there is any link between a commitment to Excellence and stock price, Excellence Canada tracks the stock performance for all of the Canada Awards for Excellence (CAE) recipients who are traded on a stock market. Once again in 2021, if you look at the collective return for all of the recipients between 1984 and 2021…
Goodbye Old Normal, Hello New…Renaissance!
Senior leaders with Excellence Canada came together in Summer 2021 to share insights, concerns, questions, and even profound optimism as a key question that was posed: what will the post-pandemic reality be in your organization?
Organizations committed to improving employee mental health can now be guided by two pioneers
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and Excellence Canada are joining forces to support employers wishing to implement the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard).