Canada Awards for Excellence

Recipient Profile

University of Waterloo, Human Resources

2017 Silver Recipient
Excellence, Innovation and Wellness®

The University of Waterloo offers a leading co-operative education program, research-rich environment, and broad-based entrepreneurial culture. Human Resources (HR) plays a key role in supporting the University’s strategic plan and Waterloo’s overarching goal of being recognized as one of the most innovative universities in the world. It directly enables one of University’s eight strategic themes: the Robust Employer-Employee Relationship.

HR began its Excellence Canada journey in December 2015 with the launch of the EIW survey, and achieved 100% involvement from employees throughout the entire process. The department assessed strengths and areas of opportunity, developed baselines, analyzed results, closed identified gaps, and ensured a solid foundation for the future. Senior leaders encourage a continuous improvement culture that is rooted in a commitment to excellence, innovation, and employee wellness.

Through client-focused service, HR is a valued strategic partner. 


Waterloo, ON

56 Employees

Collaboration, team-work and professional service are at the core of what we do.

“With continuous improvement at the heart of what we do, the Excellence Canada partnership was a natural step for the HR department. We took this opportunity to involve the entire department in each step of the evaluation process. Today, we have the momentum behind us to continue our transformation and foster a culture of excellence, innovation and wellness. “

Kenton Needham, Executive Director, Human Resources, University of Waterloo

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